Redevelopment of Bracknell Beeches Business Park
Quod are thrilled for our client S2 Estates that Bracknell Forest Planning Committee has resolved to grant planning permission subject to S106 Agreement for the redevelopment of Bracknell Beeches Business Park.
The scheme will deliver 349 new homes and 294 sqm of flexible commercial/community floorspace across 7 buildings ranging from 4 to 16 storeys. The application will also deliver comprehensive landscaping and a new southern access to Bracknell Railway Station.
The success of the application was dependent on comprehensive pre and post application engagement focussed on addressing site constraints and responding to the views of the local community.
This is reflected in several significant scheme benefits which include:
- The provision of a shuttlebus providing regular access from the development to the town centre and mitigating the need for additional parking on site.
- Flexible place-making community spaces providing ground floor activation to a new local square.
- 180 Electric Vehicle enabled parking spaces (active & passive).
- New cycle route providing enhanced town centre connectivity.
- Innovative surface water flood risk solutions in the form of raised ground floor entrances, walkways and boardwalk through the open space.
- Biodiversity Net Gain of over 75%.
Teams across Quod included – Quod Planning Tom Vernon and Daniel Rech, Quod Development Economics Tom Hatch, Quod Environmental Aisling Webb.
Quod worked closely with a very experienced project team including Assael, Mayer Brown, Tyler Grange, RPS, The Terrapin Group, Point 2, Scotch Partners, Delta Simons, Neaves Urbanism and RWDI.
Please contact Tom Vernon or Daniel Rech for further details.